Florida Paddle Notes

Dunns Creek

Dunns Creek Overview

overview graphic

Dunns Creek, beginning at the northern side of Crescent Lake, 29°32’1.06″N, 81°33’24.15″W is a tributary to the St. Johns River. It flows northeasterly from Crescent Lake until it reaches the St. Johns River at  29°35’17.93″N, 81°37’50.55″W.  The creek is located between the towns of San Mateo and Satsuma in Putnam County, Fl.  Dunns Creek is rather wide for a creek, ranging from 275′ – 500′.  The easterly side of the creek is populated for almost the last 1/2 of the distance, while the westerly side includes sandhills and wetlands.  Among several protected species are the Gopher Tortoise – Gopherus polyphemus and Fox SquirrelSciurus niger.  During the last century the area was used for turpentine logging, cattle ranching and farming.  The numerous shell mounds shows evidence the area was inhabited by Native Americans.

Dunns Creek Details

Location IconLocation: Dunns Creek State Park is a Florida State Park, located approximately 15 miles south of Palatka, on US 17, 320 Sisco Road, Putnam County.


Kayak Launch IconLaunch points: Georgia Boys Fish Camp

Dunns Creek State Park is a Florida State Park, located approximately 15 miles south of Palatka, on US 17, 320 Sisco Road, Putnam County.


Distance IconPaddle Distance: The entire river is 8 miles in length, starting from the North end of Crescent Lake and flowing into the St. Johns River Our paddle distance today was just over 14 miles round trip


Duration IconDifficulty: Easy, though there can be a lot of boat traffic on this river.


Duration IconAverage Paddle Time: 2 mph


Width Depth iconWidth and Depth: The creek is over 330′ wide at the launch at Georgia Boys and just around 750′ where it flows into Crescent Lake. In between it varies with sections 275′ wide.


Current tidal IconCurrent – Tidal: Current was hard to determine on this particular trip as the wind was strong.


Side Paddle IconSide Paddles: No notable side paddles unless you plan to paddle up the residential canals


Dunns Creek Paddle Map

Dunns Creek Paddle Map
Dunns Creek Paddle Map

Georgia Boys Fish Camp Launch


Ga. Boys Launch
Georgia Boys Launch

Georgia Boys Fish Camp Launch. 217 Butler Dr, Satsuma, FL 32189, (386) 325-7764. There will ne a $10.00 launch fee, beginning June 1, 2024, guests will remain free. Restrooms are available. The launch has a 400′ canal that leads to the creek. Parking can get tight on busy days.

Flora & Fauna of Dunns Creek

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