Juniper Prairie Wilderness – Closed

Juniper Prairie Wilderness – Closed

Juniper Prairie Closed
Juniper Prairie Closed

For those planning a paddle down Juniper Creek Run in the Ocala National Forest, the Juniper Prairie Wilderness will remained closed until March 19th 2019 due to bear activity. The closure began on Feb 13th 2019 and a statement from the USDA Forest Service states…

“Effective immediately, Juniper Prairie Wilderness on the Ocala National Forest is temporarily closed due to increased bear activity. It will reopen on March 13, 2019.

USDA Forest Service officials, in consultation with Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) officials, have issued this closure for the protection of public safety and health. Forest Service law enforcement officers will enforce the closure, which runs the wilderness boundary and includes all roads and trails within the area defined on the boundary map.”

More information about the closing can be read on their website here. More information about paddling Juniper Creek Run can be found on Florida Paddle Notes here.

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